
Stratigraphy and an Introduction to Micropaleontology

  • The Laws of Stratigraphy
  • Age Dating Methods for Sediments and Igneous Rocks
  • The Stratigraphical Column and Chronostratigraphy
  • The Different Microfossil Groups and Preparation Techniques
  • Organic Microfossils (Palynomorphs) including Acritarchs, Chitinozoans, Dinoflagellates, Pollen and Spores
  • Inorganic Microfossils including Microforaminifera and Ostracoda


  • Microfossil evolution through the Stratigraphical Column
  • Building stratigraphical range charts
  • First downhole occurrence, last downhole occurrence, fossil assemblages
  • Numerical methods, abundance increases and maxima
  • Index fossils
  • Stratigraphical type sections and the relation between Biostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy

Biostratigraphical Correlations and Correlation Techniques

  • Pitfalls using biostratigraphical data, downhole caving, reworking, contamination
  • Definition of biozones
  • Integration of sedimentological and petrographical data
  • The integration of geochemical information
  • Identification of unconformities / hiatus in the sequences

Biostratigraphy, Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphy

  • Using Micropalaeontology for palaeoenvironmental interpretation
  • Marine microfossils vs. non-marine microfossils
  • Preservation of microfossil groups and different lithologies
  • Definition of water depth from the different fossil groups
  • The identification of sequence boundaries using biostratigraphical Data
  • Using biostratigraphical data to identify condensed sequences and maximum flooding surfaces
  • Using biostratigraphical data to identify low stand System and high stand system tracts

Play Definition using Play Based Exploration Techniques

  • Hydrocarbon Play definition
  • Integrated Biostratigraphy and its use in Play based exploration techniques
  • The deltaic to marine Cretaceous Alagamar Play in Potiguar Basin, Equatorial Marginal of Brazil
  • The Cenozoic deep-water turbidites and associated salt play, Lower Congo Basin, Angola
  • The Early Silurian Hot shales of the Arabian plate, source rock characterization