
Introduction to Basin Analysis and Sea-level variations

Basin formation

Plate tectonic settings; Subsidence mechanisms, Heat flow histories Quiz on basin types

Basin cycles

Pre–Syn-Post-rift Inversion cycles. Pre and syn-kinematic cycles Quiz on recognizing basin cycles

Sea-level variations and subsidence:

Introduction into the basics of sequence stratigraphy; what is a sequence; how do they form Quiz on sequence stratigraphy

Controls on sedimentation, source rocks and salt basins

climate and ocean currents on depositional systems; arid vs humid climates; hot vs cold climates; upwelling zones to paleogeographic position of basin settings global oceanic anoxic events


Sedimentation in rifts, foredeeps, deltas, deep-water foldbelts. Source Rock development vs basin types: Types of source rock types; Exercise on identifying potential source rocks from seismic

Salt basins: and structural styles: intra-cratonic passive margin orogenic settings Exercise on identifying different stages of salt dome development.

Regional seismic and seismo-stratigraphic interpretation

Regional seismic interpretation: workstation interpretation of 3D data sets and regional basin-wide interpretations. Exercise on seismic interpretation of regional structural setting Regional structural evaluation: different basin type Sequence-stratigraphic concepts in seismic interpretation Chronostratigraphic charts based on seismic and well data Exercise making a chrono-stratigraphic chart Exercise seismo- tratigraphic interpretation

Syn-rift basin-cycle: Typical development and characteristics

SE Asia, North Sea, Sirte Basin, Gippsland Basin, Malay Basin Exercise on identifying rift basin cycles from seismic

Post-rift basin-cycle and inversions

Typical development and characteristics; Southern North Sea, SE Asia, West Siberian Basin, Gippsland Basin, Malay Basin Exercise on identifying timing of inversion from seismic

Petroleum systems in Failed Rift Basins

Typical source rocks, reservoirs, seals and traps per basin cycle. Examples of fields and trap types

Passive margins, deltas and deep-water foldbelts

Passive Margin development: South Atlantic, Norway, Australia Exercise on identifying basin cycles from seismic

Oblique slip margins

Structural style; petroleum systems and trap types

Deltas: Typical delta development; reservoirs and seals; typical traps; clay smear

Exercise on contouring in a typical delta setting

Deep-water foldbelts

Basin cycles in deep-water foldbelts; pre-kinematic versus syn-kinematic Exercise (seismic line) on identifying pre- and syn-kinematic sequences and timing of structuration in a deep-water foldbelt