Jean Pierre Brun

Jean-Pierre's contribution to tectonics and structural geology is fundamental. A pioneer both in the experimental modeling of tectonic processes and in the quantitative analysis of ductile deformation, he addressed scientific questions by combining field studies and innovative experimental approaches. He pioneered the development of analog modeling and applied this approach from basin to the litho- sphere. This approach was then adopted by many French and foreign laboratories, such as Amsterdam, Canberra, Florence, Montpellier, Rome, Austin, Toronto, Uppsala, ETH Zürich.

Beside an obvious academical interest, his work has also had an impact on oil exploration. JP had numerous collaborations with industrial partners.

After my DEA in Rennes, (a one year, short thesis after a Master in France then) Jean Pierre asked me if I would consider doing a Doctorate with him. I thought he was joking. He was not. That was 3 years of intense intellectual connection with a genius. He was interested in every aspect of Tectonics, every where. He knew so much. I owe Jean Pierre, my passion for Tectonics and my career.

Global Tectonics website is a tribute to him.