Fundamentals of seismic reflection
Principles of seismic methods Propagation in a stratified medium The shot point domain Equation of direct waves, refracted waves and reflected waves in the (X,T) plane Diffracted waves Anatomy of a shot point Exercises
Size of data and processing technology
Size of data: a 3-D example Computation complexity Conventional and modern processing Key components of data processing Convolutional model of the Earth Geological models of the earth Genesis of the seismic trace Exercises
Principles of seismic data processing
General expression of the seismic trace Objectives of the processing Estimation of the reflectivity log Standard processing sequence Deconvolution Purpose of deconvolution Spiking deconvolution Predictive deconvolution Results of deconvolution Exercises
Velocity analysis and stacking
Seismic velocity in data processing NMO correction Velocity analysis in practice Seismic velocities derived from processing Inaccuracy of the stack section Exercises
Seismic imaging by migration
Migration principles Effects of migration Criteria of migration type selection Post-stack migration Pre-stack migration Depth migration Exercises Quizz