
Fundamental concepts

Stratal stacking patterns Shoreline trajectories Historical developments Workflow of sequence stratigraphic analysis Shoreline trajectories: forced regressions, normal regressions, transgressions.

Sequence stratigraphic surfaces

Types of stratal terminations Sequence stratigraphic surfaces Other types of stratigraphic contacts subaerial unconformity correlative conformity basal surface of forced regression regressive surface of marine erosion maximum regressive surface maximum flooding surface transgressive surface of erosion. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces vs other types of stratigraphic contacts.

System tracts

Downstream-controlled settings Upstream-controlled settings Economic potential of all types of systems tract Downstream-controlled setting (ie conventional sequence stratigraphy) vs upstream-controlled settings (beyond the influence of relative sea-level changes).

Sequence models

Depositional sequences Genetic stratigraphic sequences Transgressive-regressive sequences Parasequences

Scale in sequence stratigraphy

The importance of scale: exploration vs. production development Sequence stratigraphic hierarchy Moving forward to a standard application of sequence stratigraphy