Deep-Water Seismics
Seismic Interpretation Concepts. History of Seismic Reflection. Reflection & Refraction Wave Equations Poisson’s Ratio Wavelets Convolution Synthetic Seismograms. Amplitude and Phase Spectrum Deconvolution. Seismic Acquisition and Processing Workflows.
Deep-Water Petroleum Geology Provinces and World Distribution of Deep-Water Basins
Exploration and Production in Deep-Water. Deep-Water Seismic Reflection Section Parameters 2D and 3D.
Un-migrated and Migrated Deep-water Seismic Sections Dip and Strike Sections in the Deep-water Realm. Seismic Ties, Time Maps. Four-Way Dip Closures, Fault Closures- Exercises. Structural Interpretation in Deep-Water – Examples. Seismic Stratigraphic Mapping in Deep and Ultra deep-water. Onlaps/Toplaps/Downlaps/Offlaps – Exercise.
Sands and Carbonates Reservoirs Stratigraphy. Deep-Water Reservoirs Stratigraphy – Turbidites.
Well Location and Drill
Map Exercise.
Bright-spots – Dim-spots – Flat-spots. Seismic Attribute Analyses.
AVO – Amplitude Variation with Offset Evaluations
Deep-Water Mapping Techniques.
Map contouring exercises – anticline, rift basin, compressional basin. Interpretation of deep-water records offshore rifted margins. Data Comparisons: Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Brazil and West Africa, North Sea, Australia Northern Shelf/Slope, Southeast Asia Timor and Arafura Seas, Andaman Sea.
Top and Base Salt Mapping in deepwater. Pull-up correction base salt. Bathymetry correction. Mapping Techniques Time and Depth Map Contouring in deepwater. Syn-Rift Isopach Mapping. Seismic Velocities: Average, Interval, NMO, RMS, Dix Equation. Depth Conversion Techniques: PSTM and PSDM. Gas seeps and gas hydrates recognition. Overpressure prediction
Deep-Water Reservoirs Interpretation Techniques.
Mapping reservoir porosity, net to gross and net pay thickness. Reservoir identification – bright spots, dim-spots, flat-spots. Attributes: amplitude, frequency and phase, windowed attributes. Comparative Interpretation of Post-Stack & Pre-Stack Time Migration. Pre-Stack Depth Migration – Interpretation. Turbidite Play Offshore Brazil. Mapping Techniques Precision. Map Contouring – Block Faulting. Deepwater Petroleum Systems: Source Rock Burial, Migration Paths, Trap Formation, Hydrocarbon Emplacement. Prospect Generation ; Risking of Deep-Water Prospects ; Project Economics.
Deep-Water Compression Tectonics - Mapping Interpretation.
Southeast Asia: Makassar Strait South Irian Jaya South China Sea Palawan Basin West Natuna Sea. Fault Contouring. Mapping Techniques. Velocities and Depth Conversion in deep-water. Wells Location and Depth Map Construction.
Course and Projects Review.
Course Test(s). Case Histories GoM, West Africa, East Brazil, North Sea, Asia . Final Test.