Regional temporal variations in stress patterns within plates

Global, episodic, intraplate, stress changes from deviatoric compression during the collisional assembly of continents

Local inversion in strike-slip rhombohedral pull-aparts

Complex alternating phases of extension and shortening at the margins of upper crustal rotational flakes in strike-slip zones.

Progressive diminution of the ratio of crustal to lithospheric thickness during slow extension causing whole basin uplift.

Uplift on lithospheric flexural arches and hotspots.

Body force mechanisms including salt, mud diapirism, salt/mud decollement tectonics, gravity spreading, sliding and consequent relaying of heel extension to toe thrusting.

Inversion of strong negative isostatic gravity anomalies in confined deep basins caused by upper crustal stretching.

Timing of a compression phase relative to the initial basin-forming extensional event and the extensional strain rate.

Short extension compression intervals and high extensional strain rates facilitate basin inversion.

Inversion may be prevented by long intervals and low strain rates