Magnetic field


Early developments

The B-field

The H-field



Magnetic field of permanent magnets

Magnetic pole model

Amperian loop model

Interactions with magnets

Force between magnets

Magnetic torque on permanent magnets

Interactions with electric currents

Magnetic field due to moving charges and electric currents

Force on moving charges and current

Relation between H and B


H-field and magnetic materials


Stored energy

Appearance in Maxwell’s equations

Gauss’ law for magnetism

Faraday’s Law

Ampère’s Law and Maxwell’s correction

Formulation in special relativity and quantum electrodynamics

Electric and magnetic fields: different aspects of the same phenomenon

Magnetic vector potential

Quantum electrodynamics

Uses and examples

Earth’s magnetic field

Rotating magnetic fields

Hall effect

Magnetic circuits

Largest magnetic fields

Mathematical development

Modern developments