Clastic depositional systems
Course Intro Sedimentology and Stratigraphy: why do they matter to the Oil Industry? Fluviatil systems and reservoir characteristics macro- and meso-scale heterogeneities impacts on recovery efficiency and well numbers.
stratigraphic and depositional envorinment control on: large-scale reservoir architecture internal reservoir property fluid flow in subsurface reservoirs
Clastic depositional systems
Deltaic and coastal depositional systems Reservoir characteristics macro- and meso-scale architecture internal reservoir property variation. Mass-flow mechanisms [e.g. turbidity currents) depositional systems slope channels basin-floor fans Reservoir characteristics of turbidite deposits. Salt and/or clay diapirism control on: sea-floor topography turbidite deposition. petrophysical characterisation of carbonate reservoirs complex biogenic origin, greater uncertainty in reservoir models and volumetric estimates.
Carbonates vs Clastics
Deltaic and coastal depositional systems Reservoir characteristics macro- and meso-scale architecture internal reservoir property variation. Mass-flow mechanisms [e.g. turbidity currents) depositional systems slope channels basin-floor fans Reservoir characteristics of turbidite deposits. Salt and/or clay diapirism control on: sea-floor topography turbidite deposition. petrophysical characterisation of carbonate reservoirs complex biogenic origin, greater uncertainty in reservoir models and volumetric estimates.
Sequence stratigraphy
Sea-level change: spatial and temporal scales Sequence stratigraphy: base level variations control on how and where sediments accumulate in a basin. A sequence stratigraphic analysis of a sedimentary sequence processes that drive relative and eustatic sea-level changes. Use and abuse of the global sea level curve [‘Haq curve’].
Seismic stratigraphy
High-stand’ and ‘Low-stand’ sea levels control on sandy reservoir rocks, shale-rich seals organic-rich source rocks. Low-stand sea-level=> deepwater turbidites High-stand sea-level=>carbonate
Course summary and review of key technical aspects
Course overview and summary Course test by participants Close-out